Ive been working out 5-6 days a week for the past 6 months and I did a few things to improve my frame and health...
1) dropped all soda! Ive been drinking nothing but water, Arizona No Carb teas, and milk
2) got on creatine cycles. I take it 3 weeks 1 month, then skip the next month, then cycle it again the next month
3) take myoplex lite shakes - has about 160 calories, 2 grams of carbs, couple grams of fat, and 24 grams of protein...not to mention all the vitamins and minerals it offers.
If your gonna get on creatine...wait a week and hydrate your body. Drink over 100 fluid ounces of water a day.
I know a few guys that are my age(24) that are on growth hormones, and I can allready tell the side effects kicking in - so I wouldnt really recommend that.
I went from 165 lbs. to 190lbs. ...started with 65 lbs on the bench...now up to 235 - so if I can do it, anyyyyyyyybody can! lol
Dont neglect your legs either, they release testosterone - help your muscles grow bigger